Dia-Compe AD-996 sticker for U-brake arm
Although the Diatech Hombre U-brake has always been the model AD-996 (stamped on the back of the arm), they were never stickered as AD-996 until we (Porkchop BMX) had a batch of white Hombre brakes made in 2016. At the time, Dia-Compe was unable to make AD-990 in white because they no longer painted brakes, they only powdercoated them. The powdercoat was of course thicker than paint and the arms would rub together, and therefore Dia-Compe could not make them in white for us. The best we could do was have the AD-996's made instead and make them as "old school" as possible. Since the Hombre name was from the 1990's, we had the AD-996 decals made in the same style as the AD-990's.
Since some prefer the Hombre for the threaded brake pads (instead of the threadless cantilever pads of the AD-990), now you can resticker your Hombre brakes to backdate them to look more 80's instead of 90's.
SOLD INDIVIDUALLY - although the picture shows a sheet of decals, Quantity 1 = a single AD-996 decal.
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